Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Different Sim

Trying to fiddle with my files and get a CC free save. Mostly for challenges, gallery builds or showing off new content. I need a sim to start the file.. Gemmy (my sim self that looks nothing like me) is the most appropriate one. She is representing me everywhere, hiding the face I'm too shy to show off. She deserves that.

Searching my library ..There she is with Mike and the kids..all black, bold and naked (Mods folder is sitting comfortably on my desktop) ..Oh well it can't be that bad making them over a bit ....

Yeah, about that... No just no... LOL It's scary. Well ok not that scary, but I'll need to get used to them. Especially Gemmy... I already miss her dark purple hair. Why don't we have a dark purple swatch for hair? I needz it!!!

She is pink now. I thought it was light lilac , but nope. It's pink..Cotton Candy pink. Don't get me wrong I love that pastel shade of pink. In fact she is actually wearing pink. But not on her hair. She is all I want to be, she is the "inside" me . I can't do purple hair irl. Not unless I keep visiting the hairdresser once every 10 days. I can't do that , my fragile hair will abandon me. She is the one who has to sport it... She doesn't look like me at all , she is 4 times smaller than me, and not worn out by life. She is also a YA , when I'm already past my mid thirties..

Oh well I'll get used to it.

The family also needs a home. Just placed them in an empty lot in Willow Creek, it's early spring and it's raining. I'll need to get working on that , but not tonight. It's already 3am. The real Gemmy will need to go to bed at some point, and building a house usually takes me quite a while.

You know what? I might even record that and upload it as my first speed build. Hoping my headphones and mic will arrive soon so I can do a voiceover, as I'm pretty sure that if I use random music on it I'll end up using copyrighted stuff. I'm a total newb LOL . I'll get there ... hopefully

For now good night , sleep tight and have fun . Carpe Diem - Seize the Day
Happy Simming

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