Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's been three months...

...since my last post and my little rant about my files being reported right and left. Finally a few days ago I got my mediafire file back...After it ended up completely taken down that is

It took 2 counterclaims, and 4-5 emails to mediafire and the complainer, to get my save file back up. Mediafire responded in most of my support tickets, but the complainer never responded to my counter claims or my emails.. That actually in some way makes me more suspicious...

Why didn't they respond? Admitting they were wrong is not such a hard thing to do, unless of course there is something fishy in the whole thing. More like a "hit and run" short of thing. At least at this point that's how it looks like.

I also noticed that The Mare's Nest had some similar issues with files being reported out of nowhere.  Since they understand those stuff better than I do, English is their native language after all, and as they seem to have figured out how to get their files back in no time, I  gave it a shot  and send another support ticket and a mail to the complainer, and also asked for help from TMN.

At this point , I want to thank TMN for posting a helpful article with my name on it. It was not a long read but cleared up a lot of things , especially how things work in mediafire.
So a big thanks to TMN for clearing things up for me

I'm gonna point out just a paragraph of this...
"When this happens, they will either e-mail Mediafire to say that they are withdrawing the claim they made ‘in good faith’ and asking Mediafire to restore the file (thus legally covering their own backs from being sued by them and you for the false report and wasting everyone’s time!), or they will never be heard from again (the latter often being the case with a malicious reporter, who by this time is usually shitting themselves)."

In my case it was the latter ... they were never heard from again.. Once more making me frown and making me believe even more that I was right to suspect this whole thing was on purpose, and that someone, for reasons unknown has something against me.

I have yet to find out who that person might be and why they are doing this, but I'm not sure if i really want to know in the first place. Yes , curiosity is itching me badly, but I have no idea how I will react if I ever find out.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

To rant, or not to rant? Backstory included

First of all, I do not consider myself as a famous simmer, not even a well known one. I do not have a big name in the simming community nor I'm trying to acquire one. However I was lucky enough to make some very special friends, some of them I consider as real life friends, even though I've never met them in person. I really appreciate my luck for this.

I usually try to be friendly and patient in the forums and my pages, I try to help people anyway I can, and most of the time I manage to hold back my sarcastic comments. I also love creating. I mess with sims, lots, worlds, even stories depending on my mood. This whole thing of course results to constant friend requests from people I've never seen before.

 When this whole social thing was firstly introduced, I tried to keep my friends numbers down by only accepting requests and adding people I've talked to, to keep my gameplay sane. At some point  I gave in and stated accepting everyone. Well this seems to have somehow backfired on me I think...

Here is the long story...

After creating Crystalline Cove I had the honor to see it featured. My hard work has been recognized. My friend's hard work who spend hours in testing this world has been recognized. I was thrilled!!
A month later some people post on the worlds thread, that the download link does not work..I check the world and realize horror struck that the world has been hidden because it was violating the TOS.
After contacting SimGuruHydra and SimGuruRusskii, I finally had my world back up , with  the feature DL and rec count. From what I understood it has been reported and was autohidden. Of course it was not violating the TOS whatsoever since if it did it wouldn't be back up now. Simply someone reported it just for fun.. I put the whole incident behind me , and move on with my life without trying to research any further..

A week ago I was in game , having fun with Lucky Palms that my friend Crinrict gifted me and with my  friend's Boltz avi as my sim, posting memories to tease him, and have fun with our mutual friends. The comments were wild and we were really having some fun.
I'm using a few of Twallan's mods so my game can create all shorts of drama on it's own. At some point Boltz's avi ends up completely naked in a party after having woohooed with the host in a room full of guests.
I carefully take a pic of boltz's back from waste up ( so made sure nothing inappropriate was showing) and caption it like this: "No blushing at all. Standing butt naked in the middle of a room full of party guests , doesn't seem to bother him at all"
Big mistake. Next day I get a nice warning from EA for inappropriate language. Apparently , the phrase "butt naked" that is used here by 3 year olds is considered inappropriate for teens in the US...( i suppose they are not allowed to watch "Friends" either? remember the "I like big butts and I cannot lie" episode?)
Ok I cannot complain about that, other than the fact that difference of cultures can get me banned. I contact CS to point out that little issue with culture differences, and weirdly enough I end up talking with someone that could speak decent English, and was friendly and helpful. They seemed to understand the issue and told me that they will look into it , and pass on the info to the appropriate people. Good? No.
Someone had reported me again about something completely silly, that even Boltz himself was having fun with (after all it was his avi that was butt naked in that party). Further more this was a memory post. Something that was posted ONLY on my friends pages. So basically one of those simmers, that want to be in my friend list for whatever reason, had completely lost their sense of humor and reported me. Or they felt memory spammed and instead of blocking me, opting out from viewing other people's memories or unfriending me, they simply chose to report me. Nice friends I have there, right?

Third hit...
I check my mail today, and get shocked.. Crystalline Cove came with a save file, that is up on mediafire.
That save has been reported to be violating Section 512(c)(1)(C) of the DMCA, and has been suspended...WHAT??? It's a freaking save file!!! it includes nothing , except data that is completely USELESS if you do not own the Sims 3 Base game, the sims 3 EPs, SPs and store stuff I used, and the world. If you miss any of these, your game will either crash, will not show the save file, or the save will be missing objects.
How on earth am I redistributing content I do not legally own with a simple save file?? It is simple data that tells your game , where things, you already have PERMISSION to use by EA, should go and how they should be set up. There is no freaking content in a save file other than code that is already on people's games.
Before  filing a counterclaim , I go ahead and contact EA's CS , in order to clear up if I'm crazy or not and if there is any legal restriction for uploading save files to mediafire...And since CS usually sucks (apart for the one time mentioned above, I've never managed to communicate decently with any EA CS representative, ever ) I end up with that:
Seriously EA??? How the heck do you hire those people?
And what's up with the "No, they will  not" answer? Am I trying to reason with a five year old or something?
"Kreacher won't, Kreacher won't , Kreacher won't!" O.O
They are clearly refusing to help me for whatever reason. What do the Forum Mods have to do with what is clearly a CS issue? Forum Mods are not supposed to know if I'm legally allowed by EA to upload a save file on a third party site. They are FORUM mods, aka moderators for the freaking FORUMS. Just go ahead and tell me " I do not want to help you because I'm lazy, and I'm busy chilling with my friends on facebook anyway". "I do not speak good English to clearly understand what the freak you are talking talking about" would also work for me too. I'm not the greatest English speaker either, but at least I'm not working for a huge US company in their CS section trying to communicate with their customers. It is not my job to speak great English, but it's your job to at least try and figure out what my problem is and help me out.
I cannot file a counterclaim, before making sure, that I am allowed to upload a save file on a third party site. And the only way to clear this up is talking with EA's CS and not  the Forum Mods...
By the way the rep seems completely unaware that there are several forum mods, as he mentions that i can contact "THE forum Moderator" so once again they have no idea what they are talking about. Not even bothering to criticize the Spartan answers or even the lack of ability to decently use the appropriate syntax on bigger than three word sentences.

And yes I do not thing the whole thing with all the reporting against me is just a coincidence anymore... I mean seriously, 3 times in 3 months? Someone , for reasons unknown does not seem to like me very much. And if my suspicions are true I'm pretty sure that EA can find out if anyone has been constantly reporting me and do something about it. Again clearly a CS issue.
I don't mind getting banned. It's the least of my problems. I have all my store stuff backed up, as i always do with everything else, and I won't be the first nor the last, to register a new account with the next pack.
But reporting me for distributing content that is copyrighted and not my own, is clearly pointing the finger at me for practicing illegal activities and I will not tolerate such a thing, when i have done nothing wrong. I have a nice clean criminal record and I want to keep it that way. Does "sue for slander" ring a bell to anyone?

I'm planning on contacting some of the Gurus. Also I went ahead and deleted anyone from my friendslist that I do not know, and of course I will no longer  be accepting friend requests from random people. As I said at the beginning I'm not social butterfly, I'm not hoping to become one nor even care if ever do or not. You like me? Good. You don't like me? Good again. Just leave me alone. I have more serious issues in my life to worry about and the last thing I need is to get accused for something I never did. I've never harmed anyone, and even if I did , I'll be glad to apologize and short things out with a nice civilized mature way. Throwing false accusations at me, that can get me in to serious trouble is evil, and i have done nothing to deserve that.

Hello Everyone

To who it might concern I'm still alive. :P Posting this to confirm your suspicions that I will not continue Eros's story. At least I currently do not have plans to. I'm getting easily bored with my saves, so no idea if i ever get back to him . I will post a more decent update in a few with a nice rant towards EA and more